Protect and Empower: Active Shooter Training for Your Team

Active Violence Emergency Response Training (AVERT) gives you the tools to understand how to recognize warning signs, react quickly in an active shooter situation, and learn how to control bleeding in life-threatening situations. AVERT is active shooter response training with the addition of techniques on how to stop the bleed of victims.


Experience the transformative power of AVERT and be prepared to take immediate action when it matters most.

Unlocking the Full Potential of AVERT: Expanding Beyond Active Shooter Response

In times of violence, every second matters, and waiting for EMS to arrive may not be an option. That’s why AVERT offers more than just active shooter training – it equips you to become an immediate responder through comprehensive emergency stop the bleed techniques. With AVERT, you will learn how to:

  1. Enhance Situational Awareness: Recognize warning signs through heightened situational awareness.
  2. Make Crucial Decisions: Determine the most effective course of action – whether to escape, evade, or attack.
  3. Master Life-Saving Techniques: Acquire critical stop the bleeding skills to prevent further harm.
  4. Respond with Confidence: React swiftly and confidently in emergency situations.

Prepare Your Organization for Unpredictable Active Shooter Incidents with AVERT

In the face of active shooter incidents, unpredictability and rapid evolution are key challenges. Amidst the chaos, every individual involved has the power to make a significant impact in minimizing the consequences. That’s where Active Violence Emergency Response Training (AVERT) steps in to equip your team with essential active shooter training resources. By understanding warning signs and learning effective response strategies, you and your organization can be prepared for potential active shooter incidents.

The recent surge in active shooter incidents has emphasized the criticality of a swift response. When faced with an active violence situation, every second matters. AVERT’s active shooter training empowers you with the necessary tools to react promptly and make crucial decisions—whether it’s escaping, evading, or taking appropriate action.


Prepare your organization today to effectively respond to active shooter incidents. AVERT’s comprehensive training program is designed to enhance your readiness and ensure the safety of your team and premises.

AVERT is for all types of organizations and industries

Corporations Active Shooter Response Training


Schools Active Shooter Response Training


Universities Active Shooter Response Training
Venues Active Shooter Response Training
Supermarkets Active Shooter Response Training
Public Transportation Active Shooter Response Training
First Responder Shooter Response Training
Nightclub Active Shooter Response Training